The kitchen’s a mess

My Messy Kitchen

I sigh, my shoulders slump. Back in the kitchen AGAIN, I mumble to myself.

Will I EVER have a “craft-free” kitchen? To be fair, the diorama should disappear soon, at least. Our little neighbour-my daughter’s BFF-has been making it for her mom for about two weeks now. Busy little elvesI don’t mind though, she calls us her second family and our house her second home. Warms my heart she feels so welcome.

Making Cinnamon Rolls

I notice the honey and the bread maker pan are out. The rolling pin is sitting on a still-floured surface… Oh right, I am in the middle of making cinnamon rolls. I made dough with my new bread maker and the project’s on hold while it’s rising.

Rolling out the cinnamon buns  Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

Four bald eagles at Brackendale BC

We need a grab-and-go breakfast so we can leave early to go see the eagles in Brackendale with friends. Our household allergies make us Meat Eating Vegans and being able to bake egg and dairy free goodies is so much easier with a bread maker!

Pizza boxesAnd the pizza boxes? Those are from last night. We started re-watching the X-Men series – LOVE those movies, and love sharing them with the kids. Besides, the boxes remind me that I didn’t have to cook – my favourite food!

Coffee Cups The two travel coffee mugs are from our walk to rent movies (that’s right, we still rent our movies – nostalgia perhaps?). I’m the only coffee drinker in the house, but I grabbed a second mug in case we could buy a rice milk hot chocolate – yup. It takes so little to make that boy happy.

Mac n CheeseThe bowls (plus a couple of pots hidden inside the sink) are from lunch: Mac and Cheese. A weekend favourite around here.

Popcorn The big pot? Traditional popcorn. Time for an air popper? Maybe, but the only one of us who even LIKES popcorn (things getting stuck in teeth being the main complaint) is the one who can’t eat milk. I’ve found some dairy free microwave brands, but they are all made with palm oil, and well, I have a soft spot for orangutans: WATCH

Roaster The roaster is from our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. LOVE that dinner. It’s just the four of us but by candle-light. We eat off of the good china using our silverware. It didn’t quite make it back into the cupboard because it was filled with water to bake the baguette – bread maker’s getting a LOT of use already!

DishwasherThe dishwasher though, why is it only half empty? I have to think about this.

I remember now! I was helping boy get started vlogging. He’s so excited and I’m just happy he’s finding some way to engage with the screens more creatively, and in an  educational way. Story-telling has always been something he struggled with and I’ve been trying to figure out ways to inspire him.

Huh. It turns out my kitchen has quite the stories to tell.

May your kitchen be as messy as mine in the new year!

Live within limits without limiting life Follow me and check out my food blog: Meat Eating Vegans!

About ahemmayispeak

Environmentalist Egalitarian Engineer Writer There, I finally said it. View all posts by ahemmayispeak

2 responses to “The kitchen’s a mess

You have the floor